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')\ncurrent_sentence = 0\nframe_counter = 0\n\nwhile cap.isOpened():\n ret, frame = cap.read()\n if not ret:\n break\n\n if frame_counter == 8:\n current_sentence = (current_sentence + 1) % len(sentences)\n frame_counter = 0\n\n # Convert the image to RGB (OpenCV uses BGR)\n cv2_im_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)\n pil_im = Image.fromarray(cv2_im_rgb)\n\n draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_im)\n text = sentences[current_sentence]\n\n # Calculate text size and position\n #text_size = [32,32]\n text_size = draw.textsize(text, font=font)\n text_x = 20\n text_y = (frame_height - text_size[1]) / 2\n\n # Draw the text on the frame\n draw.text((text_x, text_y), text, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255))\n\n # Convert back to BGR for OpenCV\n frame_with_text = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)\n\n out.write(frame_with_text)\n frame_counter += 1\n\ncap.release()\nout.release()\n\n# Overlay the voiceover on the final video with text\ntext_video_clip = VideoFileClip('text_video.mp4')\nfinal_audio_video_clip = CompositeVideoClip([text_video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)])\nfinal_audio_video_clip.write_videofile('cheatlayer.mp4', codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac')\n\n", "Data": "{\"type\": \"python\", \"code\": \" \\ngenSyntheticVideo(\\\"AI automation\\\")\\n\"}"}}, "0x15f4f9be9e0": {"type_": "nodes.basic.BasicNodeA", "icon": "c:\\Users\\Public\\cheatlayer\\examples\\Click.png", "name": "CLICK 3", "color": [13, 18, 23, 255], "border_color": [74, 84, 85, 255], "text_color": [255, 255, 255, 180], "disabled": false, "selected": false, "visible": true, "width": 160, "height": 71.2, "pos": [-58.953488372093034, -116.8984007192033], "port_deletion_allowed": false, "subgraph_session": {}, "custom": {"X": 960, "Y": 628, "semanticTarget": "A pink button with white text that says Select Files", "Type": "Click", "Data": "{\"type\": \"Left Mouse Click\", \"semanticTarget\": \"Caption: a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard\", \"x\": 960, \"y\": 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"nodes.basic.BasicNodeA", "icon": "c:\\Users\\Public\\cheatlayer\\examples\\Move.png", "name": "Python Code 2", "color": [13, 18, 23, 255], "border_color": [74, 84, 85, 255], "text_color": [255, 255, 255, 180], "disabled": false, "selected": false, "visible": true, "width": 160, "height": 71.2, "pos": [-318.95348837209303, -116.8984007192033], "port_deletion_allowed": false, "subgraph_session": {}, "custom": {"code": " \nimport cv2\nimport numpy as np\nimport requests\nimport pyttsx3\nfrom PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image\nfrom moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, CompositeVideoClip\n\ndef download_file(url, filename):\n response = requests.get(url)\n with open(filename, 'wb') as f:\n f.write(response.content)\n\n# Generate synthetic video\nsynthetic_video_url = genSyntheticVideo(\"robots dancing around a fire\")\nsynthetic_video_filename = 'synthetic.mp4'\ndownload_file(synthetic_video_url, synthetic_video_filename)\n\n# Generate voiceover text using GPT-3\nvoiceover_text = gpt3Prompt(\"generate a short 2 sentence voiceover about how Cheat layer marketing agents allow you to grow any brand on autopilot\", \"\") \n\nvoiceover_text += \"This video was generated and uploaded automatically using Cheat Layer marketing agents for tiktok.\"\n\n# Generate voice from the text\nvoiceover_filename = 'voiceover.mp3'\ngenVoice(voiceover_text, voiceover_filename)\n\n# Load synthetic video and voiceover\nvideo_clip = VideoFileClip(synthetic_video_filename).loop(duration=AudioFileClip(voiceover_filename).duration)\naudio_clip = AudioFileClip(voiceover_filename)\n\n# Composite video and audio\nfinal_clip = CompositeVideoClip([video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)])\nfinal_clip.write_videofile('voiceover_video.mp4', codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac')\n\n# Draw sentences on top of the video\nfont_path = 'arial.ttf' # Use a common font path or include the font in the project directory\nfont_size = 48\nfont = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)\n\ncap = cv2.VideoCapture('voiceover_video.mp4')\nframe_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))\nframe_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))\nframe_rate = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))\nfourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')\nout = cv2.VideoWriter('text_video.mp4', fourcc, frame_rate, (frame_width, frame_height))\nwords = voiceover_text.split()\n\ndef chunk_list_to_string(lst, size):\n return [' '.join(lst[i:i + size]) for i in range(0, len(lst), size)]\n\nsentences = chunk_list_to_string(words, 3)\n#sentences = voiceover_text.split('. ')\ncurrent_sentence = 0\nframe_counter = 0\n\nwhile cap.isOpened():\n ret, frame = cap.read()\n if not ret:\n break\n\n if frame_counter == 8:\n current_sentence = (current_sentence + 1) % len(sentences)\n frame_counter = 0\n\n # Convert the image to RGB (OpenCV uses BGR)\n cv2_im_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)\n pil_im = Image.fromarray(cv2_im_rgb)\n\n draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_im)\n text = sentences[current_sentence]\n\n # Calculate text size and position\n #text_size = [32,32]\n text_size = draw.textsize(text, font=font)\n text_x = 20\n text_y = (frame_height - text_size[1]) / 2\n\n # Draw the text on the frame\n draw.text((text_x, text_y), text, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255))\n\n # Convert back to BGR for OpenCV\n frame_with_text = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)\n\n out.write(frame_with_text)\n frame_counter += 1\n\ncap.release()\nout.release()\n\n# Overlay the voiceover on the final video with text\ntext_video_clip = VideoFileClip('text_video.mp4')\nfinal_audio_video_clip = CompositeVideoClip([text_video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)])\nfinal_audio_video_clip.write_videofile('cheatlayer.mp4', codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac')\n\n", "Data": "{\"type\": \"python\", \"code\": \" \\ngenSyntheticVideo(\\\"AI automation\\\")\\n\"}"}}, "0x15f4f9be9e0": {"type_": "nodes.basic.BasicNodeA", "icon": "c:\\Users\\Public\\cheatlayer\\examples\\Click.png", "name": "CLICK 3", "color": [13, 18, 23, 255], "border_color": [74, 84, 85, 255], "text_color": [255, 255, 255, 180], "disabled": false, "selected": false, "visible": true, "width": 160, "height": 71.2, "pos": [-58.953488372093034, -116.8984007192033], "port_deletion_allowed": false, "subgraph_session": {}, "custom": {"X": 960, "Y": 628, "semanticTarget": "A pink button with white text that says Select Files", "Type": "Click", "Data": "{\"type\": \"Left Mouse Click\", \"semanticTarget\": \"Caption: a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard\", \"x\": 960, \"y\": 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top of page


This is your Services section. This is a great place to give more information about the services you provide. You can write a general description of what your business offers then add more details below.This section can be adapted for your website.

You may choose to highlight other things like courses or programs, or to share special features about your business that you want to promote. Double click on the text box to edit the text and make it your own. 

AB Construction

We offer a full range of services, from major rebuilds to smaller jobs.

Building Is What We Do

AB Construction Is Leading Quality Projects

Whether you’re looking for a new kitchen or bathroom or just for some home improvements and renovations to be carried out, you can count on us to get your job done to safe, and high-quality standard.

AB construction LTD: Building a stronger future together.

AB Construction L.T.D. is a full-service construction company that offers a wide range of services for residential and commercial projects. We pride ourselves on being a reliable, experienced and trustworthy partner, dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional services and quality craftsmanship.

Our team of builders is up-to-date with the latest construction technologies and materials. We make sure to stay ahead of the curve to ensure our clients get the best possible results. Whether you’re looking for a remodel or a brand new construction, AB Construction L.T.D. will make sure to exceed your expectations.

Our Services

We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs

For home services that will meet all of your requirements and give you the property you’ve always dreamed of, then AB Construction is here to help.

Home improvements are a fantastic way to elevate the aesthetics, functionality, and comfort of your living space. Whether you're looking to revamp a specific room or give your entire home a makeover, incorporating the right elements can transform your house into a haven that reflects your personal style and meets your practical needs. From basic upgrades to extensive renovations, there are numerous home improvement projects that can breathe new life into your dwelling.

One popular home improvement project is kitchen remodeling. The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, and upgrading it can enhance both its visual appeal and usability. By replacing outdated appliances, installing new countertops, or adding a fresh coat of paint, you can create a modern and inviting space for cooking, dining, and entertaining.

Another key area to focus on is bathroom renovations. By updating fixtures, replacing old tiles, and incorporating energy-efficient features, you can turn your bathroom into a spa-like retreat. Adding storage solutions and improving the lighting can also make the space more functional and visually appealing.

Flooring upgrades can significantly impact the look and feel of your home. Installing hardwood floors, luxurious carpets, or stylish tiles can instantly enhance the overall ambiance of a room. Additionally, adding insulation to your floors can improve energy efficiency and provide better temperature control.

If you're looking to expand your living space, consider home additions or conversions. Adding an extra bedroom, creating a home office, or converting a basement into a recreational area can increase the square footage of your home and accommodate your changing needs. It's essential to plan these projects carefully, considering factors like building regulations and structural requirements.

Enhancing your home's energy efficiency is another crucial aspect of home improvements. Installing energy-efficient windows, upgrading insulation, and investing in smart home technologies can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also lower your utility bills in the long run.

Outdoor improvements can also enhance your home's curb appeal and create an inviting outdoor living space. Landscaping, adding a deck or patio, and installing outdoor lighting can transform your backyard into a serene retreat or an entertainment area for gatherings with friends and family.

Ultimately, home improvements offer you the opportunity to customize your living environment to suit your preferences and needs. It's essential to plan your projects carefully, considering your budget, timeline, and desired outcomes. Whether you're aiming for a complete renovation or tackling smaller projects, each improvement brings you one step closer to creating a beautiful and functional home that you can truly enjoy.

Discover the ultimate in kitchen design with our range of fitted and bespoke kitchens. Our expert team specializes in creating custom kitchen solutions tailored to your unique preferences and needs. From stunning aesthetics to optimized functionality, our fitted kitchens are meticulously designed to transform your cooking space into a culinary haven.

With our bespoke kitchen options, you have the freedom to bring your vision to life. We understand that every homeowner has different tastes and requirements, which is why we offer a wide selection of customizable features, materials, and finishes. Whether you prefer a contemporary, minimalist design or a more traditional, rustic feel, our team will work closely with you to create a kitchen that perfectly reflects your style.

Our fitted kitchens are intelligently designed to maximize space utilization and efficiency. We carefully consider the layout and flow of your kitchen, ensuring that every cabinet, countertop, and appliance is strategically placed for easy access and functionality. From smart storage solutions to innovative organization systems, we prioritize practicality without compromising on style.

When it comes to bespoke kitchens, we understand that attention to detail is crucial. Our skilled craftsmen meticulously create each element of your kitchen with precision and care. From custom cabinetry and unique worktops to tailor-made islands and specialized lighting, we ensure that every aspect of your kitchen is crafted to perfection.

Experience the joy of cooking in a kitchen that is truly tailored to your needs. Our fitted and bespoke kitchens combine aesthetic beauty with functional practicality, making meal preparation a delightful experience. Whether you're a passionate home chef or enjoy entertaining guests, our custom kitchen designs will provide you with the perfect space to showcase your culinary skills.

Investing in a fitted or bespoke kitchen is an investment in your home's value and your overall quality of life. Let our team of experts guide you through the design process, helping you choose the right materials, finishes, and appliances to create a kitchen that is both visually stunning and highly functional.

Transform your kitchen into a personalized masterpiece with our range of fitted and bespoke kitchen solutions. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start the journey toward your dream kitchen.

AB Construction Ltd is a trusted and experienced construction company offering a wide range of building services. With our team of skilled professionals and commitment to excellence, we provide top-quality construction solutions for both residential and commercial projects.

As a full-service construction company, we specialize in a variety of areas, including new construction, renovations, remodeling, and general contracting. Whether you're looking to build your dream home from the ground up or enhance your existing space, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.

Our residential construction services encompass everything from single-family homes to multi-unit developments. We understand that building a home is a significant investment, and we strive to deliver exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail in every project. Our team works closely with you throughout the entire process, from initial design concepts to final completion, ensuring that your new home reflects your unique style and meets your specific requirements.

For commercial construction projects, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of businesses in various industries. Whether it's an office building, retail space, or hospitality establishment, we have the knowledge and experience to handle projects of all sizes and complexities. Our focus is on delivering high-quality construction within budget and on schedule, allowing you to focus on running your business with confidence.

Renovations and remodeling are an integral part of our services. We understand that as your needs change, you may require updates or modifications to your existing space. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your goals and provide innovative solutions that transform your property into a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. From kitchen and bathroom renovations to whole-house remodels, we bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to quality to every project.

As a general contractor, we oversee every aspect of the construction process, ensuring that all trades and subcontractors work seamlessly together. Our team manages schedules, coordinates logistics, and maintains open lines of communication with you, keeping you informed and involved at every stage of the project. With our comprehensive approach and attention to detail, we strive to exceed your expectations and deliver superior results.

At AB Construction Ltd, our commitment to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction sets us apart. We take pride in our work and strive to build long-lasting relationships with our clients. When you choose us for your building needs, you can trust that your project will be completed with the highest level of professionalism, integrity, and attention to detail.

Contact AB Construction Ltd today to discuss your construction project and experience the difference of working with a reliable and reputable construction company.

Bathroom Installation

AB Construction Ltd offers exceptional fitted bathroom solutions that combine functionality, style, and luxury. With our expertise in bathroom remodeling and renovations, we transform ordinary bathrooms into stunning spaces that cater to your unique preferences and needs.

Our team of skilled professionals understands the importance of a well-designed bathroom that meets both practical and aesthetic requirements. Whether you're looking for a complete bathroom overhaul or specific upgrades, we provide customized solutions to create your dream bathroom.

With our fitted bathroom services, we offer a comprehensive range of options to enhance your space. From elegant fixtures and luxurious materials to innovative storage solutions, our designs are tailored to reflect your personal style and maximize the functionality of your bathroom.

Bathroom remodeling is our specialty, and we take pride in delivering exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our experienced team works closely with you to understand your vision, offering expert advice and creative ideas to achieve the desired outcome. From modern, minimalist designs to classic, timeless aesthetics, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

Whether you desire a relaxing spa-like atmosphere or a sleek and contemporary look, our custom bathroom designs will exceed your expectations. We collaborate with reputable suppliers to source high-quality fixtures, fittings, and materials, ensuring your bathroom is built to last and provides a luxurious experience.

At AB Construction Ltd, we understand the importance of functionality in a bathroom. We optimize the use of available space, providing smart storage solutions, efficient layouts, and easy-to-maintain surfaces. From maximizing storage space with customized cabinets to installing energy-efficient fixtures, we prioritize practicality while maintaining a sense of luxury.

With our bathroom renovations, we can update your existing space, refreshing its look and functionality. From replacing outdated fixtures and tiles to upgrading plumbing and lighting, we breathe new life into your bathroom, enhancing its overall appeal and value.

Our commitment to delivering excellence is evident in every project we undertake. We work diligently to ensure that your fitted bathroom is completed with the highest standards of craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our team's dedication, professionalism, and adherence to project timelines make AB Construction Ltd the trusted choice for your bathroom remodeling needs.

Contact AB Construction Ltd today to discuss your fitted bathroom project and let us create a space that combines practicality, style, and luxury to exceed your expectations.

Painting and Decorating

AB Construction Ltd offers professional painting and decorating services to transform your space into a visually stunning and inviting environment. With our team of skilled decorators and attention to detail, we provide top-quality painting services for both residential and commercial projects.

Our interior painting services encompass a wide range of options to suit your style and preferences. Whether you're looking to refresh a single room or give your entire home a makeover, our experienced painters deliver flawless results. From selecting the perfect color palette to preparing surfaces and applying paint with precision, we ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish that enhances the ambiance of your space.

When it comes to exterior painting, we understand the importance of protecting and beautifying your property. Our skilled painters use high-quality paints and coatings that can withstand the elements, ensuring durability and longevity. From refreshing the exterior of your home to revitalizing the appearance of commercial buildings, we bring expertise and attention to detail to every project.

At AB Construction Ltd, we provide comprehensive painting and decorating services for residential and commercial properties. Whether it's a new construction project or a renovation, our professional decorators work closely with you to understand your vision and deliver exceptional results. We pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring clean lines, smooth finishes, and a flawless application of paint or wall coverings.

Our team of decorators is trained in the latest techniques and uses advanced tools and equipment to achieve outstanding results. We stay up to date with the latest trends in colors, finishes, and textures, offering expert advice to help you make informed decisions. With our guidance, you can transform your space into a reflection of your personal style and create a welcoming atmosphere.

As a trusted painting and decorating service provider, we prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver exceptional quality in every project. Our team takes pride in their work and goes above and beyond to ensure that your expectations are not only met but exceeded. We strive to complete projects on time, with minimal disruption to your daily life or business operations.

When it comes to painting and decorating, trust AB Construction Ltd for a seamless and professional experience. Contact us today to discuss your project and let our skilled decorators bring a fresh and vibrant look to your space.

Burst Pipes Refurbishment

AB Construction Ltd provides comprehensive plumbing services, including addressing burst pipes and central heating issues. Our experienced team of professionals is well-equipped to handle emergency situations and offer sustainable solutions for your heating needs by incorporating new green energy sources.

In the event of burst pipes, our skilled plumbers are available to respond quickly and efficiently. Burst pipes can cause significant damage to your property and disrupt your daily routine. Our team will promptly assess the situation, locate the source of the burst, and provide effective repairs to restore the integrity of your plumbing system. We understand the urgency of such situations and strive to minimize the impact on your home or business.

Central heating is an essential aspect of a comfortable living or working environment. At AB Construction Ltd, we specialize in central heating installation, repair, and maintenance. Whether you need a new central heating system or require repairs for an existing one, our expert technicians have the knowledge and expertise to deliver reliable and energy-efficient solutions. We offer a range of options, including traditional systems as well as new green energy sources for sustainable heating.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we embrace the use of new green energy sources for heating purposes. We understand the importance of reducing carbon emissions and minimizing our environmental impact. Our team can assess your property and recommend renewable energy solutions, such as solar thermal systems, heat pumps, or biomass boilers. These green energy sources harness the power of the sun, air, or organic matter to provide sustainable heating options, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering your carbon footprint.

AB Construction Ltd is dedicated to delivering high-quality plumbing services and embracing green energy solutions for a more sustainable future. We prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure that all our work is performed to the highest standards. Our team is trained in the latest techniques and stays up to date with advancements in green energy technology, allowing us to provide innovative and efficient heating solutions.

If you're facing burst pipes or central heating issues, trust AB Construction Ltd for reliable and professional plumbing services. Additionally, if you're interested in exploring new green energy sources for your heating needs, we are here to guide you towards sustainable solutions. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let our experienced team provide the expertise you need for a well-functioning and environmentally conscious heating system.

Commercial Plumbers

AB Construction Ltd offers comprehensive commercial plumbing services to meet the unique needs of businesses and commercial properties. With our team of skilled plumbers and extensive experience in the industry, we provide reliable and efficient plumbing solutions for commercial buildings of all sizes.

Our commercial plumbing services cover a wide range of areas, including installation, repairs, and maintenance. Whether you're constructing a new commercial facility or require repairs for an existing plumbing system, our expert plumbers have the knowledge and expertise to deliver top-quality results.

When it comes to plumbing installation, we work closely with businesses to understand their specific requirements. Our team ensures that the plumbing system is designed and installed to meet local regulations, codes, and industry standards. From water supply systems and drainage systems to fixtures and appliances, we take care of every aspect of the installation process with precision and attention to detail.

In the event of plumbing issues, our experienced plumbers are ready to provide prompt and reliable repairs. We understand the urgency of plumbing problems in commercial settings and the potential disruptions they can cause to your business operations. Our team quickly diagnoses the issue, utilizes advanced tools and equipment, and implements effective solutions to restore the functionality of your plumbing system.

Regular plumbing maintenance is essential to keep your commercial plumbing system in optimal condition. At AB Construction Ltd, we offer scheduled maintenance services to ensure that your plumbing system operates efficiently and to identify potential issues before they become major problems. Our maintenance plans include thorough inspections, cleaning, and preventive measures to prolong the lifespan of your plumbing system and minimize the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

As a trusted commercial plumbing contractor, we prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver exceptional quality in every project. Our team has extensive experience working with a wide range of commercial properties, including office buildings, retail spaces, restaurants, hotels, and more. We understand the unique needs and challenges of commercial plumbing and tailor our services to meet the specific requirements of each client.

Trust AB Construction Ltd for reliable and professional commercial plumbing services. Contact us today to discuss your commercial plumbing needs, whether it's installation, repairs, or maintenance. Our dedicated team is here to provide the expertise and support you need for a well-functioning and efficient plumbing system in your commercial property.

Central Heating Installation

AB Construction Ltd provides comprehensive plumbing services, including addressing burst pipes and central heating issues. Our experienced team of professionals is well-equipped to handle emergency situations and offer sustainable solutions for your heating needs by incorporating new green energy sources.

In the event of burst pipes, our skilled plumbers are available to respond quickly and efficiently. Burst pipes can cause significant damage to your property and disrupt your daily routine. Our team will promptly assess the situation, locate the source of the burst, and provide effective repairs to restore the integrity of your plumbing system. We understand the urgency of such situations and strive to minimize the impact on your home or business.

Central heating is an essential aspect of a comfortable living or working environment. At AB Construction Ltd, we specialize in central heating installation, repair, and maintenance. Whether you need a new central heating system or require repairs for an existing one, our expert technicians have the knowledge and expertise to deliver reliable and energy-efficient solutions. We offer a range of options, including traditional systems as well as new green energy sources for sustainable heating.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we embrace the use of new green energy sources for heating purposes. We understand the importance of reducing carbon emissions and minimizing our environmental impact. Our team can assess your property and recommend renewable energy solutions, such as solar thermal systems, heat pumps, or biomass boilers. These green energy sources harness the power of the sun, air, or organic matter to provide sustainable heating options, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering your carbon footprint.

AB Construction Ltd is dedicated to delivering high-quality plumbing services and embracing green energy solutions for a more sustainable future. We prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure that all our work is performed to the highest standards. Our team is trained in the latest techniques and stays up to date with advancements in green energy technology, allowing us to provide innovative and efficient heating solutions.

If you're facing burst pipes or central heating issues, trust AB Construction Ltd for reliable and professional plumbing services. Additionally, if you're interested in exploring new green energy sources for your heating needs, we are here to guide you towards sustainable solutions. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let our experienced team provide the expertise you need for a well-functioning and environmentally conscious heating system.

Loft Conversion

AB Construction Ltd specializes in transforming underutilized attic spaces into functional and stylish living areas through our expert loft conversion services. A loft conversion is an excellent way to maximize the potential of your home, creating valuable extra living space without the need for extensive renovations or additions.

Our team of skilled professionals has extensive experience in loft conversions, understanding the unique considerations and requirements of this type of project. We work closely with homeowners to design and execute loft conversions that meet their specific needs, blending seamlessly with the existing layout and style of the home.

A loft conversion provides endless possibilities for creating additional bedrooms, home offices, playrooms, or recreational areas. We can help you unlock the full potential of your attic space, ensuring that every square foot is optimized for functionality and aesthetics. From incorporating natural light through skylights or dormer windows to integrating storage solutions and optimizing insulation, our attention to detail ensures a successful and transformative loft conversion.

At AB Construction Ltd, we understand the importance of careful planning and craftsmanship in loft conversions. Our team will assess the structural integrity of your attic space and work closely with architects and engineers to ensure that all necessary modifications and reinforcements are made. From electrical and plumbing installations to insulation and finishing touches, we manage every aspect of the project to deliver a high-quality loft conversion that exceeds your expectations.

We prioritize customer satisfaction and transparency throughout the loft conversion process. Our team will guide you through each step, providing expert advice and keeping you informed of progress and timelines. We take pride in our commitment to delivering projects on schedule and within budget, minimizing disruption to your daily life.

Choosing AB Construction Ltd for your loft conversion ensures that you benefit from our years of experience, exceptional craftsmanship, and dedication to quality. We are passionate about creating unique and functional living spaces that enhance your home's value and your overall lifestyle.

Unlock the potential of your attic space with a loft conversion by AB Construction Ltd. Contact us today to discuss your loft conversion project and let our expert team bring your vision to life, providing you with additional living space that adds value and enjoyment to your home.

Garage Conversion

AB Construction Ltd specializes in garage conversions, providing homeowners with a versatile and valuable addition to their living space. A garage conversion is an excellent way to transform an underutilized area into a functional room that meets your specific needs, whether it be a home office, gym, playroom, or extra bedroom.

Our team of skilled professionals has extensive experience in garage conversions, understanding the unique considerations and requirements of this type of project. We work closely with homeowners to design and execute garage conversions that seamlessly blend with the existing layout and style of the home.

One of the significant benefits of a garage conversion is the creation of additional living space. By repurposing your garage, you can maximize the square footage of your home without the need for extensive renovations or expansions. This extra space can be customized to suit your lifestyle, providing the flexibility to accommodate changing needs and preferences.

A garage conversion offers versatility in how you use the space. It can serve as a home office, providing a dedicated and productive workspace. Alternatively, it can become a recreational area, a playroom for children, or a cozy guest bedroom. The possibilities are endless, and our team will work closely with you to understand your vision and deliver a garage conversion that meets your unique requirements.

AB Construction Ltd understands the importance of meticulous planning and craftsmanship in garage conversions. We will assess the structural integrity of your garage and make any necessary modifications to ensure a safe and secure conversion. Our team will handle all aspects of the project, including insulation, electrical installations, plumbing if needed, flooring, and finishing touches, to deliver a high-quality conversion that blends seamlessly with the rest of your home.

Garage conversions provide several benefits for homeowners. In addition to creating extra living space, they can enhance the value and appeal of your home. A well-executed garage conversion demonstrates the potential and versatility of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or improving the overall enjoyment of your home for your family.

By choosing AB Construction Ltd for your garage conversion, you can trust in our expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. We take pride in our craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, ensuring that every project is completed to the highest standards.

Unlock the potential of your garage space with a conversion by AB Construction Ltd. Contact us today to discuss your garage conversion project and let our expert team bring your vision to life, providing you with valuable additional living space that enhances your home and lifestyle.

What We do

Our Projects

We’re extremely proud of our craftsmanship and attention to detail, meaning that we are able to guarantee that you will receive a great service every single time.

Construction Workers

Quality Services

Your property is our property. Whether it’s a blocked pipe, a new kitchen that needs installing or simply an overflowing gutter, you can count on us to see it through. We’re so proud of our craftsmanship and attention to detail that we guarantee every single service. We respect your home, your time, and will keep you updated at all stages of the process. Have a problem? Please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Professional Staff

Forget what you’ve seen elsewhere. Our professional handymen will never perform unnecessary work for you. That’s a promise we intend to keep. The experts we employ are determined and passionate for the job at hand and will not stop until you’re happy. We respond quickly to the problem and then adapt our strategy for each and every client. Our staff can handle anything, from wardrobes to fencing; we want you to love your home, and we believe you will.

Best Building Maintenance

Situated in the bustling city of Swadlincote, our adept handyman services include house removals, kitchen and bathroom tiling, painting, decorating and more. At AB Kitchens & Bathrooms, we are able to take care of all of your property’s needs and believe that no job is too small. We supply an honest, exclusive service that you can truly be proud of – at a fair price. Once you’ve checked out our reviews, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 07710280062.

What Clients Say

''Adam and his team installed a brand new boiler and central heating system , replastered two bedrooms. they were quick efficient and the standard of work is top notch any add on's we requested we're accomadated for.

Altogether we are really happy and would definatley recommend them''

- Joseph Tonks

Quality Craftsmanship

We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality construction services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing personalized attention and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Industry Expertise

AB Construction L.T.D. is committed to delivering high-quality construction services to our clients across the region. We have years of industry experience and have completed a wide range of projects, from small renovations to large commercial builds. With a team of skilled professionals and a focus on quality workmanship, we have become a trusted name in the industry. Contact us today to discuss your next construction project.

Timely Completion

At AB Construction L.T.D., we understand the importance of completing projects on time. We are committed to meeting deadlines and delivering projects within the agreed timeframe. If we fail to meet the deadline, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Local Knowledge

As a locally owned company, we have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of the area. Our knowledge of local regulations, suppliers, and resources enables us to efficiently manage projects and provide cost-effective solutions.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional construction services that exceed our clients' expectations. Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and experience the AB Construction L.T.D. difference.

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